Wednesday 10 August 2011

Brain Gym Handouts

Brain Gym Workshop conducted by Armaity
at Khula Aasman

Brain Gym is a set of neurological exercises to promote balance in various parts of the brain. Paul Dennison research led him to kinesiology –the science of body movement --- and its relationship to brain function. Learning difficulties are experienced when there are only limited areas of brain activation and account for many students performing below their potentials. Difficulties can range from reading and writing problems, fine motor problems and loss of motivation to study. Learning can also be experienced as a meaningless ordeal as preparation for exams leads to extreme stress and “mind blanks “due to partial and uncoordinated brain activation. Brain Gym movements stimulate the whole brain for effective function and enables uninterrupted brain- body communication. This results in improvements in performance. SO LEARN TO MOVE AND MOVE TO LEARN THROUGH BRAIN GYM.
Open up access to brain potential.
Increase concentration.
Remember and recall easily
Reduces anxiety and stress.
Enjoy self esteem
Speak, write and think clearly and expressively.
Enhances perceptual and motor skills.
Boost all performance levels, sports, music, computing, etc
Live and work from a space of well being and confidence.

No appliances required.
Can be easily done by children or adults from very young to aged.
Results can be obtained within a period of time.
Can be done anywhere, anytime.
Multiple applications—learning, teaching, sports, health, personal development etc.

Learning is not an isolated “brain” function and our bodies are very much a part of learning. Paul Dennison research led him to “Kinesiology”—the science of body movement and its relationship to brain function. Brain Gym is a set of neurological exercises to promote balance in various parts of the brain. The FIVE Core Brain Areas are Memory, Attention, Speed, Flexibility and Problem Solving.
Although these movements have been found to be safe and effective, it is advisable to consult your medical practitioner before beginning any exercise programme. No one should be forced but encouraged to work within his or her limitations
Brain Gym movements stimulates the whole brain for effective function and enables uninterrupted brain- body communication. Everyone has a unique P.A.C.E and helps us to become POSITIVE, ACTIVE, CLEAR and ENERGETIC for learning.
1) ENERGETIC with feelings, actions, words that energies and inspire. Drink Water. Dehydration can affect our concentration negatively. Drink some water to feel energetic before you start.
2) CLEAR using BRAIN BUTTONS an exercise that helps to improve blood flow to the brain. The increased blood flow helps to improve concentration skills required for reading, writing, speaking or following directions.
Rest one hand over the navel area of the stomach.
Place your index finger and thumb of the other hand into the slight hollow below the collar bone on each side of the sternum. Press lightly in a pulsing manner.
Press gently on these points for 2 minutes.
3) ACTIVE by doing the CROSS CRAWLS. This exercise helps coordinate right and left brain by exercising the information flow between the two hemispheres. It engages the brain for coordinating visual, auditory and kinesthetic abilities. It is useful for spellings, listening, writing, reading and comprehension.
Standing,” March” in one place.
Put the right hand across the body to the left knee as you raise it,
Then do the same thing for the left hand on the right knee just as you are marching.
Just do this either sitting or standing for two minutes.

4) POSITIVE by doing” HOOK—UPS’.This works well for nerves before a test or making a speech or when we are sad, confused or angry. Any situation that causes nervousness calls for a few “hook ups” to calm the mind and improve concentration.

Hook –Ups can be done standing or sitting.
Cross the right leg over the left at the ankles.
Take your right wrist and cross it over the left wrist and link up the fingers so that the right wrist is on the top.
Bend the elbows out and gently turn the fingers towards the body until they rest on the sternum in the centre of the chest. Stay in this position.
Keep the ankles crossed and the wrists crossed and then breathe evenly in this position for a few minutes. You will be noticeably calmer after that time.





-Ms. Armaity

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